Is it your first festival this year? Maybe it will be your last.
Heres some info for the first time festival go-er.
If you want to party your face off and not end up with shit in your pants and a lost wallet.
Heres some items to bring.
A tent (easy dome tent advisable, not an expensive one).
Some kind of flag or bright paint to fuck up the side of it so you can find your tent when fucked.
A torch or headlamp (well handy)
Sleeping bag or a big blanket
TOILET PAPER (important)
Spare ciggeretes or rolling tobacco. It can be a pain in the arse when you run out day 2.
Your own "funky stuff" of choice (best bought at home and well stashed).
Spare cash.
Swiss army knife (handy for everything)
A pillow if you have a girl with you or you are a girl.
Wellies (especially if you are going to Glastonbury).
Black bag (acts as a rain jacket and you can throw your crap in it).
Spare lighter (important).
Loads of socks
Any form of stupid hat (your head can get baked.. even in Ireland & England)
Vodka & lots of it.
Speakers to jack into your mp3 player.
Spare batteries or them cool wind up chargers (you can find em in Vodafone shops for a tenner).
Your sanity.
Box of condoms (In case you decide to explore your "other" sexuality.
Oh and tickets or a ladder / shovel.
Enjoy your weekend!
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